Criminal Appeals Attorney in Albuquerque

Every day, thousands of people are falsely and erroneously convicted of crimes in the US. Whether through inadequate counsel or malicious prosecution, having a criminal appeals attorney in Albuquerque means every citizen can exercise their right to have their cases appealed to overturn convictions.

At the Sitterly Law Firm, Nick Sitterly, an experienced criminal appeals attorney, will thoroughly review your case to help overturn your conviction. Criminal appeals take commitment and care, and he’ll ensure every facet of your case is investigated to give you the best chance of having your conviction overturned.

Breach of Contract Attorney Albuquerque

What Is a Criminal Appeals Attorney?

A criminal appeals attorney is a legal professional who handles appeals in criminal cases. While they aren’t responsible for defending you during your initial trial, they are responsible for reviewing the trial record and identifying any legal errors that may have occurred during the trial.

These errors may include mistakes made by the judge, prosecutor, or defense attorney, or they may involve errors in the evidence presented at trial.

A desk with a gavel and the scales of justice on top of it

How a Prisoner Rights Attorney Fights Against Unjust Treatment and Unsanitary Conditions

Once convicted, you have the right to be treated fairly and humanely while also having the right to sanitary conditions and adequate healthcare. Here are some examples of the types of protected prisoner rights:

  • Access to necessities such as food, water, and shelter
  • Access to medical care and treatment, including mental health care
  • Access to education and vocational training programs while incarcerated
  • Access to legal resources and representation
  • Ability to practice your religion and attend religious services
  • Ability to file lawsuits against the prison and its staff
  • Ability to receive mail and communicate with loved ones
  • Protection from sexual assault and harassment while incarcerated
  • Freedom from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or other factors

You also have the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment, as guaranteed by the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

If you feel that your prisoner rights have been violated, contact Nick Sitterly, an avid prisoner rights attorney, for a consultation.

Reviewing for Errors

Wrongful conviction attorneys in Albuquerque are responsible for identifying legal errors that may have occurred during your trial. They will review the trial record, including transcripts of the trial proceedings, and identify any issues that may have affected the outcome of your case.

Here are the types of errors your criminal appeals attorney will look for:

  • Improper jury instructions
  • Inadmissible evidence
  • Misconduct by the prosecutor or defense attorney
  • Errors in the application of the law
  • Constitutional violations

Once these issues have been identified, Nick Sitterly, your Albuquerque criminal defense appeal attorney, will prepare and file an appeal on your behalf. This appeal will argue that your conviction should be overturned or your sentence should be reduced because of the legal errors during your trial.

The appeals process can take several months or even years, depending on the complexity of the case and the court’s schedule. No matter how long it takes, trust that Nick Sitterly will be there every step of the way.

How Police Misconduct and Malicious Prosecution Lead to Wrongful Convictions

Police misconduct and malicious prosecution are serious problems haunting the criminal justice system. These practices can lead to wrongful convictions, which not only violate the rights of innocent individuals but also undermine the credibility of the legal system.

Wrongful convictions can result in the loss of liberty, reputation, and even life for those wrongly convicted.

Addressing Police Misconduct: How an Appellate Court Attorney Can Help

Police Misconduct

Police misconduct is any law enforcement act violating the law or ethical standards. This can include but is not limited to excessive use of force, racial profiling, falsifying evidence, and coercing confessions.

Police misconduct can occur at any stage of the criminal justice process, from investigation to arrest, trial, and sentencing.

Defending Prisoner Rights

Malicious Prosecution

Malicious prosecution refers to initiating a criminal prosecution against an individual without probable cause or with malicious intent. This can occur when a prosecutor files charges against an individual, knowing that there is no evidence to support the charges, or when they have a personal vendetta against the defendant.

Having Nick Sitterly, a tenacious police misconduct and criminal appeal lawyer in Albuquerque, representing you gives you the best chance at fighting against these injustices.

Contact the Sitterly Law Firm today to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose the Sitterly Law Firm

Since 2012, Nick Sitterly has taught state and federal attorneys every aspect of a trial to better advocate for their clients through the National Institute of Trial Advocacy. This keeps him informed on winning strategies and advancing techniques surrounding criminal and civil law.

He has appeared in Courts across New Mexico, which include the following:

  • New Mexico Supreme Court
  • New Mexico Court of Appeals
  • United States Federal Court
  • 10th Circuit Court of Appeals

He also focuses on a few select cases to serve his clients better. That means your case receives thorough and uninterrupted attention from beginning to end.

Hire a Criminal Appeals Attorney Who’s Ready to Fight for Your Freedom

At the Sitterly Law Firm, Nick Sitterly takes his time to review every aspect of your case thoroughly. He’ll always give you an honest assessment and the best strategies to help you fight against erroneous convictions.

Contact Nick Sitterly, criminal appeals attorney in Albuquerque, today to schedule your consultation.